Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Chris and I are taking Thanksgiving on alone this year.  But I'm not so sure he knows that.  WHy you ask?  It's because of the 14 pound turkey he has brining in a bucket.  I'm not sure what in the world we are going to do with all the leftovers ...we can freeze some, eat some, and hopefully he share some with his co-workers on Saturday.

I must say that Chris does know how to cook a turkey.  Last year he was in charge of the 22 pound turkey and it turned out perfect...tasty....juicy

We have a full meal planned and are both looking forward to being in the kitchen together dicing, slicing, and basting.   So we will spend hours cooking but will only spend a fraction of that time actually eating....well on second thought...Chris will nibble all day  :) 

I hope everyone has an equally pleasant day planned....and we miss y'all!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A crazy Saturday in November

So the last full day that Cindy is here...She is returning to Florida on Sunday...

We started our day with a lovely breakfast an settled in to watch the South Carolina/Florida game.  (games start at 10:00 am here in Colorado).

I fell asleep during the 3rd quarter and when i woke up...I smelled something and looked out the front windows and saw a little wisp of smoke.  So i walked outside to check it out and see what was going on....When i got outside there were several other people, so i asked...and one person said I think its your place that is on fire.  I walked on around and looked up at our balcony/patio and sure was on fire.

I ran back inside screaming to Cindy..."It's us...we're on fire....we're on fire".  Cindy asked for a hose, but we don't have one or a place to hook it up.

So i grab the home phone and Bailey and head out of the house.
Cindy armful of clothes...which she dropped on the floor in the living room and ran out of the house.

It's weird what you grab...neither of us took our purses, car keys, nothing....

I called 911 (i also think someone else had also called), then called Chris and told him the house was on fire and he needed to come home.  I don't think he really believed me at first - or couldn't register it - but he made it home in record time.

The fire department came (4 trucks) and got the fire put out.  It seems that the plastic rubbermaid storage shed on the patio caught on fire.  The fire investigator said he could not determine a cause of the fire.  It was a very scary afternoon!

Here are a couple of pictures.

The pictures are sideways...sorry...couldn't get them turned.

So Chris, Cindy, and I have been processing this awful experience.  It's amazing...things could have been so much worse...we were very lucky.

Oh, and we've told our landlord and have called our insurance....'s like 8 hours later and we're still talk with everyone later!

Cindy's Visit

So my friend Cindy came to town to be here for when I had a surgical procedure....She and Chris took great care of me and I was so glad to have them both!!!

So...the procedure turned out just fine....appears I asked my doctor to give me a boob job while i was out....then after the procedure it seems that i was very comical and funny....the doc was telling me about what not to do...running was one of the things not to do and I replied to the doc..."there's no way in hell i'm going to be running a race.....EVER!"

So by Friday, I was feeling a bit better - still sore and uncomfortable - but Cindy and I drove around downtown, stalked the Volvo dealership, and went to Lookout Mountain.  Had a lovely day.  The best part of the day was the 2nd time we were stalking the dealership, we got out to look at a car simliar to mine so Cindy could see what it looked like.  As luck had it, Bob, (my salesman) saw me and said he thought my car came in that morning.  We took a short walk to a garage and Voila!  there it was.... "the car".  We were able to drive it off right then and there....drove directly to Chris' work and left it with him...

So great to have a new it....

Will take a while to figure out all the things it can know how to use the navigation.

Anywho...Cindy and I have thoroughly enjoyed our visit and the fun of having a new car

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

snow day and car update

So the snow today ended up being regular ol' snow.  It's still very pretty and i could spend the day just watching the snow fall....but alas...i had to go to work.

Update on the car - it has been unloaded and appears to have already cleared customs!!!  From here on out, I won't have a way to track its progress to Denver.  But i will receive the Customs clearance forms in the mail....and supposedly, when this document arrives, its only a day to two before the dealer calls me to come pick up the car!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Snow day part deux

SO here it is about 1 week after the  1st real snowfall of the season...and now we have a blizzard warning with high winds (for colorado) for us Floridians...its just a nice breeze.....

it has now started to snow...suppose to continue till Wednesday afternoon with up to 8 inches accumlation.  We'll probably only get about 5-6 inches.

Someone at work today stated that it normally snows on Wednesdays and Thursdays...I'll have to keep track of the snow falls to see how true this is.

here's the current weather map

Doesn't look as bad as what the Meteorologists are saying....

I'll post pictures in the morning...

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