Sunday, January 19, 2025

A bicycle kind of day

 Bicycle built for 2?  Not quite - but we did ride the bicycles the resort has on hand a lot today

Rode to breakfast, explored after breakfast, rode to the boat shuttle, to dinner etc

But be aware we were not the most graceful riders.  No video exists of us riding - thank god!

We did take the boat shuttle over to Vaitape to explore the village.  Honestly not at all touristy.  Did a fair amount of walking.  Found some t-shirts and a grocery.  Ever on the search for Coke Zero and coffee creamer.

We did have a few laughs as we were waiting on the return shuttle - Shan kept saying “the white people are burning”. Which is a quote we thought came from the movie Fools rush in.  The actual quote is “the white peoples are melting”. Which is from the scene where they were on a boat in Vegas with both families - Spanish. And then white New England parents.  We laughed on and off for a bit!

We had a yummy dinner at the beach restaurant and came back to the room

We are desperate to look at the stars but it’s been hard due to the cloudiness.  Here’s Shan giving it the ol’ college try

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